If not now, When?!

We’ve all had those days. We feel the urge, the need, the desire to do THAT something that makes us feel alive. That something that will make us feel like we are acomplishing our dream, (or one of them) …Which will change the way we feel about ourselves and which will change the dynamic of […]


Hello lovely ladies. So.. lately I have been feeling a bit uninspired (Okay, a LOT ) and I just came up with the idea of opening a new segment, if you might call it that, in my blog that is about INSPIRATION. How to get to that Inspired point in which we just feel driven to […]

Contouring & Highlighting using Foundation / Contorno e Iluminacion de la Cara usando Base !

If you are going for that Kim Kardashian look, but don’t know exactly how to just make your cheekbones look celestial this is the tutorial for you. Using Foundation I teach you how to contour and highlight your face so you can have a natural-looking contour and can change the shape of your face  dramatically […]

Egg Facial Mask! Let tighten and moisturize those pores (and treat Acne) !!

As I type these words, my face is being tightened up by the wonderfulness of the egg facial mask. This is a mask I tend to do every now and then, and which I love, because of how easy it is, and how it feels. The protein in the egg makes wonders to your skin, […]

Sneaker Wedges – a MUST love

I have been these around for a while and Oh, are they amazing!! They go with everything and anything and give a sort of bohemian chic feel to any outfit you rock these babies with. Sneaker wedges are my current Fashion Obsession and the one buy I should have made in NYC, and didn’t. * […]

New York City ♥

I had never been to NYC before and this month I did, even if only for a few days. It’s one of the places I have always wanted to visit and I am so glad I finally did. I had an amazing time going through Times Square and all its surroundings and exploring the city […]

Mac Mini Haul ~ ♥

 Hello pretty ladies! I got some MAC products on the last couple of weeks and I wanted to share my mini Mac Haul with you gals! The first thing I got (and was DYING to own) was the MAC 217 brush! I have seen and heard such amazing things I just HAD to get my […]